以sanjose 私立高中有哪些校友组织?

以sanjose 私立高中有哪些校友组织?

San Jose Private High School alumni organizations include:

  • The San Jose High School Alumni Association (SJHSAA) is the oldest and largest alumni association in the world. It offers a wide range of benefits and services to alumni, including career counseling, scholarships, and networking opportunities.
  • The Class of 1965 Alumni Association is responsible for planning and hosting the annual Class of 1965 Reunion.
  • The Class of 1975 Alumni Association is responsible for planning and hosting the annual Class of 1975 Reunion.
  • The Class of 1980 Alumni Association is responsible for planning and hosting the annual Class of 1980 Reunion.
  • The Class of 1990 Alumni Association is responsible for planning and hosting the annual Class of 1990 Reunion.
  • The Class of 2000 Alumni Association is responsible for planning and hosting the annual Class of 2000 Reunion.
  • The Class of 2010 Alumni Association is responsible for planning and hosting the annual Class of 2010 Reunion.
  • The Class of 2015 Alumni Association is responsible for planning and hosting the annual Class of 2015 Reunion.
  • The Young Alumni Association is a group of recent graduates who are looking to stay connected to the school and its alumni.

Additional resources:

  • San Jose High School Alumni Association website: sjhsaa.org
  • Class of 1965 Alumni Association website: classof1965.org
  • Class of 1975 Alumni Association website: classof1975.org
  • Class of 1980 Alumni Association website: classof1980.org
  • Class of 1990 Alumni Association website: classof1990.org
  • Class of 2000 Alumni Association website: classof2000.org
  • Class of 2010 Alumni Association website: classof2010.org
  • Class of 2015 Alumni Association website: classof2015.org