

  1. 阅读材料

    • 仔细阅读材料,并思考材料中蕴含的含义。
    • 提出疑问,并尝试从不同的角度理解材料。
  2. 思考问题

    • 思考材料中提出的问题,并尝试从不同的角度思考问题。
    • 寻找材料中蕴含的隐喻和暗示。
  3. 分析材料

    • 分析材料的结构,并尝试从不同的角度理解材料。
    • 寻找材料中蕴含的矛盾和冲突。
  4. 比较和对比

    • 比较和对比材料,并尝试从不同的角度理解它们之间的关系。
    • 寻找材料中蕴含的相似性和差异。
  5. 批判性思考

    • critically examine the information you have read, and question the assumptions and conclusions that are being made.
    • Consider alternative viewpoints and consider the evidence that supports and contradicts the claims that are being made.
  6. 问问题

    • ask questions about the material you are reading, and seek clarification from your instructor or peers.
    • challenge assumptions and seek to understand the underlying concepts.
  7. 反思

    • reflect on your learning process, and identify areas where you can improve your critical thinking skills.
    • seek feedback from your instructor or peers, and use this feedback to make improvements.