Can you give me an example of a complete sentence that uses this phrase?你可以给我一个使用此短语的完整句子吗?


当然,我可以给你举个例子。一句完整的句子如下:Please show your receipt before leaving the store.翻译过来就是:在离开商店前请出示收据。

Yes Through the years I have learned many valuable lessons. 这句话中使用了through the years这个短语。一句完整的英文例子是:通过这些年,我已经学会了许多宝贵的经验和教训(the years I have learned many valuable lessons)

当然。一笑而过,笑着原谅。 Can you give me an example of a complete sentence that uses this phrase 你能不能举个例子让我看看这个短语用法呢 、Can you please give me an example of a complete sentence that uses this phrase你能给我一个用英语表达完整句子的例句吗 当然可以。比如,他微笑着原谅了我的错误。 Can you please give me an example of a complete sentence that uses this phrase 你能不能举个例子让我看看这个短语用法呢 、Do you have any experience with programming languages你知道使用编程语言吗 No I dont.没有,我不懂。 Do you have any experience with programming languages你知道使用编程语言吗


Sure.一杯咖啡后他感觉睡意袭来。 答案:After drinking a cup of coffee he felt sleepy.



是。麻麻的 我们一定要去参加学校的迎新晚会
