Whats the difference between a fact and an opinion?

Whats the difference between a fact and an opinion?


  • A statement that is based on evidence or observation.
  • It is a statement of objective reality.
  • A fact is not open to debate or interpretation.


  • A statement that is based on a person's judgment, beliefs, or experiences.
  • It is a statement of subjective reality.
  • An opinion is open to debate and interpretation.

Here is an example:

Fact: The Earth orbits the Sun.

Opinion: The Earth is a sphere.

Key Differences:

  • Source: Facts are based on evidence or observation, while opinions are based on judgment or beliefs.
  • Openness to Debate: Facts are not open to debate or interpretation, while opinions can be debated and argued.
  • Subjectivity: Facts are objective, while opinions are subjective.

It is important to note that not all opinions are facts. A fact is a statement that is true regardless of whether or not it is supported by evidence. An opinion is a statement that is not a fact, and it can be changed based on new evidence or experiences.
